Singing Guide: Elyar Fox

Singing Guide: Elyar Fox

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Elyar Fox is an English singer-songwriter, who became popular with his single “Do It All Over Again.” He has a unique sound that can be characterized as an upbeat pop with an electronic edge and clear vocal tones.

If you want to learn singing like Elyar Fox, there are a few things you need to consider.

  • First, you need to identify your vocal range. You can take Singing Carrots’ vocal range test to determine your range and compare it to Elyar Fox’s range or other famous singers. You can use Singing Carrots’ song search tool to find songs that match your range, difficulty level, and genre preference.
  • Elyar Fox has a light and clear vocal tone. He often incorporates falsetto in his songs. You can practice your falsetto by singing along to his hit songs “Do It All Over Again” and “A Billion Girls.”
  • Breathing is a crucial aspect of singing, and Elyar Fox’s vocal technique showcases that. You can learn about breathing basics and breath support from Singing Carrots’ articles. You can use the Farinelli breathing exercise to improve your breath control and endurance.
  • Elyar Fox also uses head voice effectively to add an airy, bright quality to his songs. You can learn about vocal registers and voice breaks to understand how to control different parts of your vocal range. Chest voice is another important aspect he uses in his singing.
  • Articulation and a clear pronunciation are essential in pop songs. To learn more about articulation, you can read Singing Carrots’ article. The Finger Bite exercise is fantastic to improve your pronunciation and diction.
  • Contemporary pop music often includes belting and twang techniques. For specific guidance on these techniques, check out Singing Carrots’ videos on Twang and Belting.
  • Vibrato is also an important technique mentioned in Singing Carrots’ article. Listening to “A Billion Girls” you can see it more clearly. Singing Carrots’ videos Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce can help you practice your vibrato.
  • Finally, Elyar Fox has great stage presence and emotional control in his performances. To learn how to overcome stage fright, improve your posture, and tips for performing on stage, you can find more resources in Singing Carrots’ articles.

With the plethora of resources that Singing Carrots provides, learning to sing like Elyar Fox is a realistic and achievable goal. But, as with anything in music, dedication, patience, and practice will ultimately lead to success.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.